aisdb.database.dbqry module
class to convert a dictionary of input parameters into SQL code, and generate queries
- class aisdb.database.dbqry.DBQuery(*, dbconn, dbpath=None, dbpaths=[], **kwargs)[source]
A database abstraction allowing the creation of SQL code via arguments passed to __init__(). Args are stored as a dictionary (UserDict).
- Parameters:
dbconn (
) – database connection objectcallback (function) –
anonymous function yielding SQL code specifying “WHERE” clauses. common queries are included in
, e.g. >>> from aisdb.database.sqlfcn_callbacks import in_timerange_validmmsi >>> callback = in_timerange_validmmsithis generates SQL code to apply filtering on columns (mmsi, time), and requires (start, end) as arguments in datetime format.
limit (int) – Optionally limit the database query to a finite number of rows
**kwargs (dict) – more arguments that will be supplied to the query function and callback function
Custom SQL queries are supported by modifying the fcn supplied to .gen_qry(), or by supplying a callback function. Alternatively, the database can also be queried directly, see for more info
complete example:
>>> import os >>> from datetime import datetime >>> from aisdb import SQLiteDBConn, DBQuery, decode_msgs >>> from aisdb.database.sqlfcn_callbacks import in_timerange_validmmsi
>>> dbpath = './testdata/test.db' >>> start, end = datetime(2021, 7, 1), datetime(2021, 7, 7) >>> filepaths = ['aisdb/tests/testdata/test_data_20210701.csv', 'aisdb/tests/testdata/test_data_20211101.nm4'] >>> with SQLiteDBConn(dbpath) as dbconn: ... decode_msgs(filepaths=filepaths, dbconn=dbconn, source='TESTING', verbose=False) ... q = DBQuery(dbconn=dbconn, callback=in_timerange_validmmsi, start=start, end=end) ... for rows in q.gen_qry(): ... assert dict(rows[0]) == {'mmsi': 204242000, 'time': 1625176725, ... 'longitude': -8.93166666667, 'latitude': 41.45, ... 'sog': 4.0, 'cog': 176.0} ... break
- check_marinetraffic(trafficDBpath, boundary, retry_404=False)[source]
scrape metadata for vessels in domain from marinetraffic
- Parameters:
trafficDBpath (string) – marinetraffic database path
boundary (dict) – uses keys xmin, xmax, ymin, and ymax to denote the region of vessels that should be checked. if using
, the Domain.boundary attribute can be supplied here
- gen_qry(fcn=<function crawl_dynamic>, reaggregate_static=False, verbose=False)[source]
queries the database using the supplied SQL function.
- Parameters:
self (UserDict) – Dictionary containing keyword arguments
fcn (function) – Callback function that will generate SQL code using the args stored in self
reaggregate_static (bool) – If True, the metadata aggregate tables will be regenerated from
verbose (bool) – Log info to stdout
- Yields:
numpy array of rows for each unique MMSI arrays are sorted by MMSI rows are sorted by time