Source code for aisdb.database.dbconn

''' SQLite Database connection

    Also see:

import ipaddress
import os
import re
import warnings
from calendar import monthrange
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np
import psycopg

from aisdb import sqlite3, sqlpath
from aisdb.database.create_tables import (

with open(os.path.join(sqlpath, 'coarsetype.sql'), 'r') as f:
    coarsetype_sql =';')

class _DBConn():
    ''' AISDB Database connection handler '''

    def _create_table_coarsetype(self):
        ''' create a table to describe integer vessel type as a human-readable
        # cur = self.cursor()
        for stmt in coarsetype_sql:
            if stmt == '\n':
            # cur.execute(stmt)
        # cur.close()

[docs] class SQLiteDBConn(_DBConn, sqlite3.Connection): ''' SQLite3 database connection object attributes: dbpath (str) database filepath db_daterange (dict) temporal range of monthly database tables. keys are DB file names ''' def __init__(self, dbpath): super().__init__( dbpath, timeout=5, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES | sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES, ) self.dbpath = dbpath self.row_factory = sqlite3.Row coarsetype_exists_qry = ( 'SELECT * FROM sqlite_master ' r'WHERE type="table" AND name LIKE "coarsetype_ref" ') cur = self.cursor() cur.execute(coarsetype_exists_qry) if len(cur.fetchall()) == 0: self._create_table_coarsetype() self._set_db_daterange() def _set_db_daterange(self): # query the temporal range of monthly database tables # results will be stored as a dictionary attribute db_daterange sql_qry = ('SELECT * FROM sqlite_master ' r'WHERE type="table" AND name LIKE "ais_%_dynamic" ') cur = self.cursor() cur.execute(sql_qry) dynamic_tables = cur.fetchall() if dynamic_tables != []: db_months = sorted( [table['name'].split('_')[1] for table in dynamic_tables]) self.db_daterange = { 'start': datetime(int(db_months[0][:4]), int(db_months[0][4:]), 1).date(), 'end': datetime((y := int(db_months[-1][:4])), (m := int(db_months[-1][4:])), monthrange(y, m)[1]).date(), } else: self.db_daterange = {} cur.close()
[docs] def aggregate_static_msgs(self, months_str: list, verbose: bool = True): ''' collect an aggregate of static vessel reports for each unique MMSI identifier. The most frequently repeated values for each MMSI will be kept when multiple different reports appear for the same MMSI this function should be called every time data is added to the database args: dbconn (:class:`aisdb.database.dbconn.SQLiteDBConn`) database connection object months_str (list) list of strings with format: YYYYmm verbose (bool) logs messages to stdout ''' assert hasattr(self, 'dbpath') assert not hasattr(self, 'dbpaths') cur = self.cursor() for month in months_str: # check for monthly tables in dbfiles containing static reports cur.execute( 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master ' 'WHERE type="table" AND name=?', [f'ais_{month}_static']) if cur.fetchall() == []: continue cur.execute(sql_createtable_static.format(month)) if verbose: print('aggregating static reports into ' f'static_{month}_aggregate...') cur.execute('SELECT DISTINCT s.mmsi FROM ' f'ais_{month}_static AS s') mmsis = np.array(cur.fetchall(), dtype=int).flatten() cur.execute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' f'static_{month}_aggregate') sql_select = ''' SELECT s.mmsi, s.imo, TRIM(vessel_name) as vessel_name, s.ship_type, s.call_sign, s.dim_bow, s.dim_stern, s.dim_port, s.dim_star, s.draught, s.destination, s.eta_month, s.eta_day, s.eta_hour, s.eta_minute FROM ais_{}_static AS s WHERE s.mmsi = ? '''.format(month) agg_rows = [] for mmsi in mmsis: _ = cur.execute(sql_select, (str(mmsi),)) cur_mmsi = cur.fetchall() cols = np.array(cur_mmsi, dtype=object).T assert len(cols) > 0 filtercols = np.array( [ np.array(list(filter(None, col)), dtype=object) for col in cols ], dtype=object, ) paddedcols = np.array( [col if len(col) > 0 else [None] for col in filtercols], dtype=object, ) aggregated = [ Counter(col).most_common(1)[0][0] for col in paddedcols ] agg_rows.append(aggregated) cur.execute( sql_aggregate.format(month).replace( f'static_{month}_aggregate', f'static_{month}_aggregate')) if len(agg_rows) == 0: warnings.warn('no rows to aggregate! ' f'table: static_{month}_aggregate') continue skip_nommsi = np.array(agg_rows, dtype=object) assert len(skip_nommsi.shape) == 2 skip_nommsi = skip_nommsi[skip_nommsi[:, 0] != None] assert len(skip_nommsi) >= 1 cur.executemany(( f'INSERT INTO static_{month}_aggregate ' f"VALUES ({','.join(['?' for _ in range(skip_nommsi.shape[1])])}) " ), skip_nommsi) self.commit()
# default to local SQLite database DBConn = SQLiteDBConn
[docs] class PostgresDBConn(_DBConn, psycopg.Connection): ''' This feature requires optional dependency psycopg for interfacing Postgres databases. The following keyword arguments are accepted by Postgres: | Alternatively, a connection string may be used. Information on connection strings and postgres URI format can be found here: | Example: .. code-block:: python import os from aisdb.database.dbconn import PostgresDBConn # keyword arguments dbconn = PostgresDBConn( hostaddr='', user='postgres', port=5432, password=os.environ.get('POSTGRES_PASSWORD'), dbname='postgres', ) # Alternatively, connect using a connection string: dbconn = PostgresDBConn('Postgresql://localhost:5433') ''' def _set_db_daterange(self): dynamic_tables_qry = psycopg.sql.SQL( "select table_name from information_schema.tables " r"where table_name LIKE 'ais\_______\_dynamic' ORDER BY table_name" ) cur = self.cursor() cur.execute(dynamic_tables_qry) dynamic_tables = cur.fetchall() if dynamic_tables != []: db_months = sorted([ table['table_name'].split('_')[1] for table in dynamic_tables ]) self.db_daterange = { 'start': datetime(int(db_months[0][:4]), int(db_months[0][4:]), 1).date(), 'end': datetime((y := int(db_months[-1][:4])), (m := int(db_months[-1][4:])), monthrange(y, m)[1]).date(), } else: self.db_daterange = {} def __enter__(self): self.conn.__enter__() return self def __exit__(self, exc_class, exc, tb): self.conn.__exit__(exc_class, exc, tb) if exc_class or exc or tb: print('rolling back...') raise exc def __init__(self, libpq_connstring=None, **kwargs): # store the connection string as an attribute # this info will be passed to rust when possible if libpq_connstring is not None: self.conn = psycopg.connect(libpq_connstring, row_factory=psycopg.rows.dict_row) self.connection_string = libpq_connstring else: self.conn = psycopg.connect(row_factory=psycopg.rows.dict_row, **kwargs) self.connection_string = 'postgresql://' if 'user' in kwargs.keys(): self.connection_string += kwargs.pop('user') else: self.connection_string += 'postgres' if 'password' in kwargs.keys(): self.connection_string += ':' self.connection_string += kwargs.pop('password') self.connection_string += '@' if 'hostaddr' in kwargs.keys(): ip = ipaddress.ip_address(kwargs.pop('hostaddr')) if ip.version == 4: self.connection_string += str(ip) elif ip.version == 6: self.connection_string += '[' self.connection_string += str(ip) self.connection_string += ']' else: raise ValueError(str(ip)) else: self.connection_string += 'localhost' self.connection_string += ':' if 'port' in kwargs.keys(): self.connection_string += str(kwargs.pop('port')) else: self.connection_string += '5432' if 'dbname' in kwargs.keys(): self.connection_string += '/' self.connection_string += kwargs.pop('dbname') if len(kwargs) > 0: self.connection_string += '?' for key, val in kwargs.items(): self.connection_string += f'{key}={val}&' self.connection_string = self.connection_string[:-1] self.cursor = self.conn.cursor self.commit = self.conn.commit self.rollback = self.conn.rollback self.close = self.conn.close self.__repr__ = self.conn.__repr__ # conn = psycopg.connect(conninfo=libpq_connstring) self.pgconn = self.conn.pgconn self._adapters = self.conn.adapters cur = self.cursor() coarsetype_qry = ("select table_name from information_schema.tables " "where table_name = 'coarsetype_ref'") cur.execute(coarsetype_qry) coarsetype_exists = cur.fetchone() if not coarsetype_exists: self._create_table_coarsetype() self._set_db_daterange()
[docs] def execute(self, sql, args=[]): sql = re.sub(r'\$[0-9][0-9]*', r'%s', sql) with self.cursor() as cur: cur.execute(sql, args)
[docs] def rebuild_indexes(self, month, verbose=True): if verbose: print(f'indexing {month}...') dbconn = self.conn for idx_name in ('mmsi', 'time', 'longitude', 'latitude'): dbconn.execute( f"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{month}_dynamic_{idx_name} ON ais_{month}_dynamic ({idx_name}) ;") # dbconn.execute( # f'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ais_{month}_dynamic_mmsi ' # f'ON ais_{month}_dynamic (mmsi)') # dbconn.commit() # if verbose: # print(f'done indexing mmsi: {month}') # dbconn.execute( # f'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ais_{month}_dynamic_time ' # f'ON ais_{month}_dynamic (time)') # dbconn.commit() # if verbose: # print(f'done indexing time: {month}') # dbconn.execute( # f'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ais_{month}_dynamic_lon ' # f'ON ais_{month}_dynamic (longitude)') # dbconn.commit() # if verbose: # print(f'done indexing longitude: {month}') # dbconn.execute( # f'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ais_{month}_dynamic_lat ' # f'ON ais_{month}_dynamic (latitude)') # dbconn.commit() # if verbose: # print(f'done indexing latitude: {month}') # dbconn.execute( # f'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ais_{month}_dynamic_cluster ' # f'ON ais_{month}_dynamic (mmsi, time, longitude, latitude, source)' # ) # dbconn.commit() # if verbose: # print(f'done indexing combined index: {month}') # dbconn.execute( # f'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ais_{month}_static_mmsi ' # f'ON ais_{month}_static (mmsi)') # dbconn.commit() # if verbose: # print(f'done indexing static mmsi: {month}') # dbconn.execute( # f'CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_ais_{month}_static_time ' # f'ON ais_{month}_static (time)') # dbconn.commit() # if verbose: # print(f'done indexing static time: {month}') # dbconn.execute( # f'CLUSTER {"VERBOSE" if verbose else ""} ais_{month}_dynamic\n' # f'USING idx_ais_{month}_dynamic_cluster') dbconn.commit()
# if verbose: # print(f'done clustering: {month}')
[docs] def deduplicate_dynamic_msgs(self, month: str, verbose=True): dbconn = self.conn dbconn.execute(f''' DELETE FROM ais_{month}_dynamic WHERE ctid IN (SELECT ctid FROM (SELECT *, ctid, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY mmsi, time, source ORDER BY ctid) FROM ais_{month}_dynamic ) AS duplicates_{month} WHERE row_number > 1) ''') dbconn.commit() if verbose: print(f'done deduplicating: {month}')
[docs] def aggregate_static_msgs(self, months_str: list, verbose: bool = True): ''' collect an aggregate of static vessel reports for each unique MMSI identifier. The most frequently repeated values for each MMSI will be kept when multiple different reports appear for the same MMSI this function should be called every time data is added to the database args: months_str (list) list of strings with format: YYYYmm verbose (bool) logs messages to stdout ''' cur = self.cursor() for month in months_str: # check for monthly tables in dbfiles containing static reports cur.execute('SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables ' f'WHERE table_name = \'ais_{month}_static\'') static_tables = cur.fetchall() if static_tables == []: continue if verbose: print('aggregating static reports into ' f'static_{month}_aggregate...') cur.execute(f'SELECT DISTINCT s.mmsi FROM ais_{month}_static AS s') mmsi_res = cur.fetchall() if mmsi_res == []: mmsis = np.array([], dtype=int) else: mmsis = np.array(sorted([r['mmsi'] for r in mmsi_res]), dtype=int).flatten() cur.execute( psycopg.sql.SQL( f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS static_{month}_aggregate')) sql_select = psycopg.sql.SQL(f''' SELECT s.mmsi, s.imo, TRIM(vessel_name) as vessel_name, s.ship_type, s.call_sign, s.dim_bow, s.dim_stern, s.dim_port, s.dim_star, s.draught, s.destination, s.eta_month, s.eta_day, s.eta_hour, s.eta_minute FROM ais_{month}_static AS s WHERE s.mmsi = %s ''') agg_rows = [] for mmsi in mmsis: _ = cur.execute(sql_select, (str(mmsi),)) cur_mmsi = [tuple(i.values()) for i in cur.fetchall()] cols = np.array(cur_mmsi, dtype=object).T assert len(cols) > 0 filtercols = np.array( [ np.array(list(filter(None, col)), dtype=object) for col in cols ], dtype=object, ) paddedcols = np.array( [col if len(col) > 0 else [None] for col in filtercols], dtype=object, ) aggregated = [ Counter(col).most_common(1)[0][0] for col in paddedcols ] agg_rows.append(aggregated) cur.execute(sql_aggregate.format(month)) if len(agg_rows) == 0: warnings.warn('no rows to aggregate! ' f'table: static_{month}_aggregate') return skip_nommsi = np.array(agg_rows, dtype=object) assert len(skip_nommsi.shape) == 2 skip_nommsi = skip_nommsi[skip_nommsi[:, 0] != None] assert len(skip_nommsi) > 1 insert_vals = ','.join(['%s' for _ in range(skip_nommsi.shape[1])]) insert_stmt = psycopg.sql.SQL( f'INSERT INTO static_{month}_aggregate ' f'VALUES ({insert_vals})') cur.executemany(insert_stmt, map(tuple, skip_nommsi)) self.commit()
[docs] class ConnectionType(Enum): ''' database connection types enum. used for static type hints ''' SQLITE = SQLiteDBConn POSTGRES = PostgresDBConn