import csv
import io
import os
import re
import typing
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from functools import partial, reduce
from tempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile
import numpy as np
from pyproj import Geod
from aisdb.aisdb import haversine
def _sanitize(s):
# note: the first comma uses ASCII code 44,
# second comma uses ASCII decimal 130 !!
# not the same char!
if s is None:
return ''
elif s == '-':
return ''
return str(s).replace(',', '').replace(chr(130), '').replace(
'#', '').replace('"', '').replace("'", '').replace('\n', '')
def _epoch_2_dt(ep_arr, t0=datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0), unit='seconds'):
''' convert epoch minutes to datetime.datetime.
redefinition of function in aisdb.gis to avoid circular import
delta = lambda ep, unit: t0 + timedelta(**{unit: ep})
if isinstance(ep_arr, (list, np.ndarray)):
return np.array(list(map(partial(delta, unit=unit), map(int, ep_arr))))
elif isinstance(ep_arr, (float, int, np.uint32)):
return delta(int(ep_arr), unit=unit)
else: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
f'input must be integer or array of integers. got {ep_arr=}{type(ep_arr)}'
def _splits_idx(vector: np.ndarray, d: timedelta) -> np.ndarray:
assert isinstance(d, timedelta)
vector = np.array(vector, dtype=int)
splits = np.nonzero(vector[1:] - vector[:-1] >= d.total_seconds())[0] + 1
# else:
# splits = np.nonzero(vector[1:] - vector[:-1] >= d)[0] + 1
idx = np.append(np.append([0], splits), [vector.size])
return idx
def _segment_rng(track, maxdelta, key='time') -> filter:
''' index time segments '''
for rng in map(
_splits_idx(track[key], maxdelta)[:-1],
_splits_idx(track[key], maxdelta)[1:],
yield rng
def _track_distance(lat: np.ndarray, lon: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
'''Calculate the Haversine distance for consecutive points.'''
distances = np.zeros(len(lat) - 1)
for i in range(1, len(lat)):
distances[i - 1] = haversine(lat[i - 1], lon[i - 1], lat[i], lon[i])
return distances
def _segment_rng_all(track: dict, maxdistance: float, maxtime: timedelta, maxspeed: float,
minspeed: float, min_segment_length: int, max_direction_change: float):
Identifies split points in an AIS track based on time, speed, course, and distance criteria.
track : dict
A dictionary containing the track data.
maxdistance : float
The maximum allowed distance (in meters) between consecutive points before creating a split.
maxtime : timedelta
The maximum allowed time difference between consecutive points before creating a split.
maxspeed : float
The maximum allowed speed (in knots) before creating a split.
minspeed : float
The minimum allowed speed (in knots) below which a split is created.
min_segment_length : int
The minimum required length (number of points) for a segment. Segments shorter than this length are ignored.
max_direction_change : int
The maximum allowed course-over-ground (COG) or calculated course change (in degrees) before creating a split.
A generator that yields index ranges representing valid segments of the track that meet the criteria.
# Acquire information from the track dictionary
time_vec = np.array(track['time'], dtype=int)
speed_vec = np.array(track['sog'], dtype=float)
cog_vec = np.array(track['cog'], dtype=int)
lon_vec = np.array(track['lon'], dtype=float)
lat_vec = np.array(track['lat'], dtype=float)
# Time splits
time_splits = np.nonzero(time_vec[1:] - time_vec[:-1] >= maxtime.total_seconds())[0] + 1
# Speed splits
valid_speed_indices = np.nonzero(speed_vec[:] <= maxspeed)[0]
valid_speed_vec = speed_vec[valid_speed_indices] # Speed values only for valid indices
speed_splits = np.nonzero(valid_speed_vec[:] < minspeed)[0]
# Course over ground (COG) splits
cog_vec = np.mod(cog_vec, 360) # Normalize COG values to be within 0-360 degrees
cog_diff = np.abs(np.diff(cog_vec))
cog_diff = np.minimum(cog_diff, 360 - cog_diff)
cog_splits = np.nonzero(cog_diff >= max_direction_change)[0] + 1
# Course splits
geod = Geod(ellps='WGS84') # Define the ellipsoid
azimuth, _, _ = geod.inv(lon_vec[:-1], lat_vec[:-1], lon_vec[1:], lat_vec[1:])
course_vec = (azimuth + 360) % 360
course_diff = np.abs(np.diff(course_vec))
course_diff = np.minimum(course_diff, 360 - course_diff)
course_splits = np.nonzero(course_diff >= max_direction_change)[0] + 1
# Distance splits
distance_vec = _track_distance(lat_vec, lon_vec)
distance_splits = np.nonzero(distance_vec[:] >= maxdistance)[0] + 1
# Combine all split points from time, speed, course, and distance
all_splits = np.unique(np.concatenate([time_splits, speed_splits, cog_splits, course_splits, distance_splits]))
# Add the start (0) and end (size of vector) points
idx = np.append(np.append([0], all_splits), [valid_speed_vec.size])
for i in range(len(idx) - 1):
if (idx[i + 1] - idx[i]) >= min_segment_length:
yield range(idx[i], idx[i + 1])
def write_csv_rows(rows, pathname='output.csv', mode='a'):
with open(pathname, mode) as f:
lambda r: ','.join(
map(lambda r: r.replace(',', '').replace('#', ''),
map(str.rstrip, map(str, r)))), rows)) + '\n')
def _datetime_column(tracks):
for track in tracks:
assert isinstance(track, dict), f'got {track=}'
track['datetime'] = np.array(
track['dynamic'] = track['dynamic'].union(set(['datetime']))
yield track
_columns_order = [
'mmsi', 'imo', 'vessel_name', 'name', 'datetime', 'time', 'lon', 'lat',
'cog', 'sog', 'dim_bow', 'dim_stern', 'dim_star', 'dim_port',
'coarse_type_txt', 'vesseltype_generic', 'vesseltype_detailed', 'callsign',
'flag', 'gross_tonnage', 'summer_dwt', 'length_breadth', 'year_built',
'home_port', 'error404'
def tracks_csv(tracks, skipcols: list = ['label', 'in_zone']):
''' Yields row tuples when given a track generator.
See write_csv() for more info
tracks_dt = _datetime_column(tracks)
track_ID = 1
tr1 = next(tracks_dt)
colnames = [
c for c in _columns_order + list(
set(tr1['static'].union(tr1['dynamic'])) -
if c in list(tr1['static']) + list(tr1['dynamic'])
colnames = [col for col in colnames if col not in skipcols]
yield colnames + ["Track_ID"]
if 'marinetraffic_info' in tr1.keys():
colnames += tuple(tr1['marinetraffic_info'].keys())
if 'coarse_type_txt' in colnames: # pragma: no cover
if 'vessel_name' in colnames: # pragma: no cover
colnames = list(dict.fromkeys(colnames))
decimals = {
'lon': 5,
'lat': 5,
'depth_metres': 2,
'distance_metres': 2,
'submerged_hull_m^2': 0,
def _append(track, colnames=colnames, decimals=decimals, track_id=0):
if 'marinetraffic_info' in track.keys():
for key, val in dict(track['marinetraffic_info']).items():
if key in ('error404', 'mmsi', 'imo'):
track[key] = val
del track['marinetraffic_info']
for i in range(0, track['time'].size):
row = [(track[c][i] if c in track['dynamic'] else
(_sanitize(track[c]) if track[c] != 0 else ''))
for c in colnames]
for ci, r in zip(range(len(colnames)), row):
if colnames[ci] in decimals.keys() and r != '':
row[ci] = f'{float(r):.{decimals[colnames[ci]]}f}'
# writer.writerow(row)
yield row
yield from _append(tr1, colnames, decimals, track_id=track_ID)
for track in tracks_dt:
track_ID += 1
yield from _append(track, colnames, decimals, track_id=track_ID)
def write_csv(
fpath: typing.Union[io.BytesIO, str, SpooledTemporaryFile],
skipcols: list = ['label', 'in_zone'],
''' write track vector dictionaries as CSV file
tracks (iter)
track generator such as returned by
fpath (string)
output CSV filepath (string) or io.BytesIO buffer
skipcols (list)
columns to be omitted from results
# with open(fpath, 'w', newline='') as f:
if isinstance(fpath, str):
f = open(fpath, mode='w')
elif isinstance(fpath, (io.BytesIO, SpooledTemporaryFile)):
f = io.TextIOWrapper(fpath, encoding='utf8', newline='')
raise ValueError(f'invalid type for fpath: {type(fpath)}')
# with f:
# f.write(','.join(colnames) + '\n')
writer = csv.writer(f,
for row in tracks_csv(tracks):
if isinstance(fpath, str):
# prevent bytesIO buf from being cleaned up with TextIOWrapper
def glob_files(dirpath, ext='.txt', keyorder=lambda key: key):
''' walk a directory to glob txt files. can be used with ZoneGeomFromTxt()
zones_dir: string
directory to walk
anonymous function for custom sort ordering
example keyorder:
.. code-block::
# numeric sort on zone names with strsplit on 'Z' char
keyorder=lambda key: int(key.rsplit(os.path.sep, 1)[1].split('.')[0].split('Z')[1])
.txt shapefile paths
paths = list(os.walk(dirpath))
extfiles = [[
sorted([f for f in p[2] if f[-len(ext):] == ext], key=keyorder)
] for p in paths if len(p[2]) > 0]
extpaths = reduce(np.append, [
list(map(os.path.join, (path[0] for p in path[1]), path[1]))
for path in extfiles
], np.array([], dtype=object))
return sorted(extpaths, key=keyorder)
def getfiledate(filename, source=None):
''' attempt to parse the first valid epoch timestamp from .nm4 data file.
timestamp will be returned as :class:`` if successful,
otherwise will return False if no date could be found
filename (string)
raw AIS data file in .nm4 or .csv format
source (string)
data source of CSV file; time column handle is different if "NOAA" (case insensitive) is specified
filesize = os.path.getsize(filename)
if filesize == 0: # pragma: no cover
return False
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
# Get the file extension in lowercase
extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()
if extension == ".csv":
reader = csv.reader(f)
head = next(reader)
row1 = next(reader)
except StopIteration:
return False
rowdict = {a: b for a, b in zip(head, row1)}
time_key = 'BaseDateTime' if source and "noaa" in source.lower() else 'Time'
time_format = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S' if time_key == 'BaseDateTime' else '%Y%m%d_%H%M%S'
fdate = datetime.strptime(rowdict[time_key], time_format).date()
return fdate
elif extension == ".nm4":
line = f.readline()
head = line.rsplit('\\', 1)[0]
n = 0
while 'c:' not in head: # pragma: no cover
n += 1
line = f.readline()
head = line.rsplit('\\', 1)[0]
# if n > 10000:
# print(f'bad! {filename}')
# return False
assert n <= 10000
split0 = re.split('c:', head)[1]
timestamp_str = re.split('[^0-9]', split0)[0]
epoch = int(timestamp_str)
if len(timestamp_str) == 13: # Check if timestamp is in milliseconds
epoch = epoch // 1000 # Remove the last 3 digits to convert milliseconds to seconds
elif len(timestamp_str) > 13:
epoch = epoch // (10 ** (len(timestamp_str) - 10))
except ValueError: # pragma: no cover
return False
except Exception as err: # pragma: no cover
raise err
fdate = datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch).date()
return fdate
# Handling NMEA files, including AIS NMEA
n = 0
for line in f:
n += 1
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('!AIVDM') or line.startswith('!AIVDO'):
# Split the line by commas, including the additional fields after the checksum
parts = line.split(',')
# Find the index of the part containing the checksum
checksum_part_index = None
for i, part in enumerate(parts):
if '*' in part:
checksum_part_index = i
if checksum_part_index is not None:
# The additional fields start after the checksum part
additional_fields = parts[checksum_part_index + 1:]
# Search for a Unix timestamp (10-digit number)
for field in additional_fields:
field = field.strip()
if re.match(r'^\d{10}$', field):
epoch = int(field)
fdate = datetime.fromtimestamp(epoch).date()
return fdate
except ValueError:
if n >= 10000:
return False # Date not found within first 10,000 lines
return False # Date not found in the file