import datetime
import tempfile
import types
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
from aisdb.database.decoder import fast_unzip
def dt_to_iso8601(timestamp):
Convert a any timestamp to an ISO 8601 formatted string.
timestamp (float): Any timestamp (seconds since epoch).
str: The timestamp in ISO 8601 format (e.g., '2025-01-29T12:34:56.000000000').
>>> dt_to_iso8601(1674963000)
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, datetime.timezone.utc)
iso_format = dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f') + '000'
return iso_format
def get_monthly_range(start,end) -> list:
Generate a list of month-year strings between two given timestamps.
start: The start timestamp.
end: The end timestamp.
list: A list of strings representing the month-year range (e.g., ['2023-01', '2023-02']).
>>> get_monthly_range(1672531200, 1675123200)
['2023-01', '2023-02']
months = []
current = start
while current <= end:
# Format the current date as 'yyyy-mm'
# Move to the next month
if current.month == 12:
current = current.replace(year=current.year + 1, month=1)
current = current.replace(month=current.month + 1)
return months
class WeatherDataStore:
def __init__(self,short_names: list, start:datetime.datetime,end: datetime.datetime, weather_data_path: str):
Initialize a WeatherDataStore object to handle weather data extraction.
short_names (list): List of weather variable short names (e.g., ['10u', '10v']).
start (datetime): Start date for the weather data.
end (datetime): End date for the weather data.
weather_data_path (str): Path to the directory containing weather data files.
>>> store = WeatherDataStore(['10u', '10v'], datetime.datetime(2023, 1, 1), datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 1), '/data/weather')
After using this object, make sure to call the `close` method to free resources.
>>> store.close()
# Validate parameter_names
if not isinstance(short_names, list) or not all(isinstance(name, str) for name in short_names):
raise ValueError("short_names should be a list of strings.")
# validate weather_data_path
if weather_data_path =="":
raise ValueError("WEATHER_DATA_PATH is not specified.")
for short_name in short_names:
if short_name not in available_short_names:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid short name: {short_name}")
self.start = start
self.end = end
self.months = get_monthly_range(start, end)
self.short_names = short_names
self.weather_data_path = weather_data_path
self.weather_ds = self._load_weather_data()
def _load_weather_data(self):
Load and extract weather data from GRIB files for the given date range.
xarray.Dataset: The concatenated dataset of weather data.
weather_dataset_instances = []
# Create a temporary directory for extraction
tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
zipped_grib_files = []
for month in self.months:
file_name = f"{self.weather_data_path}/{month}.grib"
# Unzip the GRIB file
zip_path = f"{file_name}.zip"
fast_unzip(zipped_grib_files, tmp_dir) # TODO: optimize to do in the same loop
for month in self.months:
grib_file_path = f"{tmp_dir}/{month}.grib"
# Load the weather dataset from the extracted GRIB file
weather_ds = xr.open_dataset(
'filter_by_keys': {
'shortName': self.short_names,
return xr.concat(weather_dataset_instances, dim='time')
def yield_tracks_with_weather(self, tracks) -> dict:
Yields tracks with weather. Takes a generator of track dictionaries, retrieves
corresponding weather data from an xarray Dataset, and adds the
weather data to each track.
tracks: A generator of dictionaries, where each dictionary
represents a track and contains 'lon', 'lat', and 'time' keys
with lists or numpy arrays of longitudes, latitudes, and
timestamps, respectively.
tracks: A generator of dictionaries, where each dictionary is a track
with an added 'weather_data' key. The 'weather_data' value is
a dictionary containing weather variable names.
assert isinstance(tracks, types.GeneratorType)
for track in tracks:
longitudes = np.array(track['lon'])
latitudes = np.array(track['lat'])
timestamps = np.array(track['time'])
dt = [dt_to_iso8601(t) for t in timestamps]
# Initialize a dictionary to store weather data for each short name (weather variable)
weather_data_dict = {short_name: [] for short_name in self.short_names}
# Create xarray DataArrays for latitudes, longitudes, and times
latitudes_da = xr.DataArray(latitudes, dims="points", name="latitude")
longitudes_da = xr.DataArray(longitudes, dims="points", name="longitude")
times_da = xr.DataArray(dt, dims="points", name="time")
# Use xarray's multi-dimensional selection to get values for each variable
for var in self.weather_ds.data_vars:
# Extract values using xarray's .sel() for multi-dimensional indexing
# We need to ensure that xarray knows the lat, lon, and time coordinates are aligned
data = self.weather_ds[var].sel(
weather_data_dict[var] = data.values
track["weather_data"] = weather_data_dict
yield track
def close(self):
Close the weather dataset.
available_short_names = {'tcc': True, 'inss': True, 'tciw': True, 'pev': True, 'lgws': True, 'ewss': True, 'mntpr': True, 'wss': True,
'w': True, 'mvtpm': True, 'msnswrfcs': True, 'viiwd': True, 'vst': True, 'cdir': True, 'mwp1': True,
'p1ww': True, 'msmr': True, 'iews': True, 'dwww': True, 'ptype': True, 'e': True, 'mwp2': True, 'mpww': True,
'2dfd': True, 'mttlwrcs': True, '2t': True, 'tsrc': True, 'msdrswrfcs': True, 'vitoee': True, 'tcrw': True,
'clwc': True, 'vithe': True, 'cvl': True, 'aluvp': True, 'istl2': True, '100v': True, 'ssr': True,
'tauoc': True, 'isor': True, 'mx2': True, 'swvl4': True, 'uvb': True, 'sshf': True, 'zust': True,
'msdwuvrf': True, 'pv': True, 'lai_lv': True, 'mdmf': True, 'viozn': True, 'vit': True, 'hcc': True,
'phiaw': True, 'msnlwrf': True, 'anor': True, 'sdor': True, 'sst': True, 'vitoen': True, 'tsr': True,
'vithed': True, 'mpts': True, 'mvimd': True, 'cin': True, 'sro': True, 'str': True, 'sf': True, 'src': True,
'mtdch': True, 'mttpm': True, 'ssrd': True, 'dndzn': True, 'vikee': True, 'mutpm': True, 'stl3': True,
'mtnswrfcs': True, 'mlspr': True, 'viozd': True, 'swh': True, 'mcsr': True, 'tclw': True, 'arrc': True,
'lict': True, 'tplt': True, 'mmtss': True, 'sd': True, 'crwc': True, 'o3': True, 'viiwn': True, 'wdw': True,
'mxtpr': True, 'ishf': True, 'vimat': True, 'ci': True, 'bld': True, 'hmax': True, 't': True, 'vike': True,
'ssrc': True, 'wsk': True, 'slor': True, 'nsss': True, 'mslhf': True, 'mtnswrf': True, 'viwvd': True,
'pres': True, 'smlt': True, 'flsr': True, 'msl': True, 'cswc': True, 'tco3': True, 'etadot': True,
'mumf': True, 'q': True, 'mudr': True, 'ttr': True, 'p2ww': True, 'istl3': True, 'mwd': True, 'msshf': True,
'mdww': True, 'viman': True, 'bfi': True, 'swh3': True, 'msqs': True, 'r': True, 'cvh': True, '10u': True,
'lmlt': True, 'lshf': True, 'vign': True, 'lssfr': True, 'mcpr': True, 'wstar': True, 'alnid': True,
'10fg': True, 'pt': True, 'strd': True, 'ssrdc': True, 'lsf': True, 'msdrswrf': True, 'swvl2': True,
'ttrc': True, 'vitoe': True, 'crr': True, 'cl': True, 'lcc': True, 'viwvn': True, 'vitoed': True, 'swh1': True,
'mp2': True, 'v': True, 'mp1': True, 'mqtpm': True, '100u': True, 'z': True, 'deg0l': True, 'asn': True,
'strc': True, 'vithen': True, 'vilwn': True, 'rhoao': True, 'mtpf': True, 'fsr': True, 'mdts': True, 'sp': True,
'slt': True, 'totalx': True, 'vimae': True, 'tcwv': True, 'mcc': True, 'vipie': True, 'swh2': True,
'slhf': True, 'mx2t': True, 'mddr': True, 'stl1': True, 'lblt': True, 'ie': True, 'msnlwrfcs': True,
'pp1d': True, 'dwi': True, 'awh': True, 'rsn': True, 'vo': True, 'mgwd': True, 'phioc': True, 'mttlwr': True,
'vithee': True, 'mser': True, 'metss': True, 'fdir': True, 'ciwc': True, 'tvl': True, 'lai_hv': True,
'swvl1': True, 'u10n': True, 'msdwlwrf': True, 'fal': True, 'dl': True, 'cp': True, 'mer': True, 'mwp': True,
'wsp': True, 'strdc': True, 'viwve': True, 'viken': True, 'dctb': True, 'vimad': True, '2d': True, 'lmld': True,
'vige': True, 'vigd': True, 'lsm': True, '10v': True, 'p1ps': True, 'mttswrcs': True, 'tmax': True, 'vimd': True,
'd': True, 'mbld': True, 'cc': True, 'sdfor': True, 'csf': True, 'dwps': True, 'mtpr': True, 'chnk': True,
'vilwd': True, 'mn2t': True, 'ust': True, 'mntss': True, 'tsn': True, 'msdwswrfcs': True, 'ssro': True,
'viked': True, 'cape': True, 'mttswr': True, 'ro': True, 'tp': True, 'vilwe': True, 'istl1': True, 'msror': True,
'dndza': True, 'cbh': True, 'ilspf': True, 'vipile': True, 'tcsw': True, 'mssror': True, 'mngwss': True,
'mtnlwrfcs': True, 'mwd1': True, 'msr': True, 'mror': True, 'mwp3': True, 'tplb': True, 'ltlt': True,
'mont': True, 'aluvd': True, 'v10n': True, 'mtnlwrf': True, 'stl2': True, 'mwd2': True, 'tcw': True, 'mper': True,
'blh': True, 'msnswrf': True, 'p2ps': True, 'magss': True, 'msdwswrf': True, 'swvl3': True, 'mlspf': True,
'mwd3': True, 'shts': True, 'msdwlwrfcs': True, 'mlssr': True, 'lsp': True, 'tvh': True, 'lsrr': True,
'stl4': True, 'i10fg': True, 'vioze': True, 'viiwe': True, 'kx': True, 'istl4': True, 'mgws': True, 'cdww': True,
'10si': True, 'tcslw': True, 'viec': True, 'megwss': True, 'tisr': True, 'mtdwswrf': True, 'alnip': True,
'es': True, 'wind': True, 'u': True, 'lspf': True, 'wmb': True, 'acwh': True, 'lnsp': True, 'vima': True,
'licd': True, 'shww': True, 'csfr': True, 'skt': True, 'gwd': True}