Source code for aisdb.webdata.bathymetry

""" load bathymetric data from GEBCO raster files """

import os
import warnings
from functools import reduce

import numpy as np
import py7zr
import requests
from tqdm import tqdm

from aisdb.gis import shiftcoord
from aisdb.webdata.load_raster import RasterFile

url = ""

def _filebounds(fpath):
    return {f[0]: float(f[1:]) for f in fpath.split('gebco_2022_', 1)[1].rsplit('.tif', 1)[0].split('_')}

[docs] class Gebco(): def __init__(self, data_dir): """ args: data_dir (string) folder where raters should be stored """ self.data_dir = data_dir assert os.path.isdir(data_dir) self.__enter__() def __enter__(self): self.rasterfiles = {f: _filebounds(f) for f in {k: None for k in sorted([f for f in os.listdir(self.data_dir) if f[-4:] == '.tif' and 'gebco_2022' in f])}} # download bathymetry rasters if missing self.fetch_bathymetry_grid() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self._close_all()
[docs] def fetch_bathymetry_grid(self): # pragma: no cover """ download geotiff zip archive and extract it """ zipf = os.path.join(self.data_dir, "raster-bathy.7z") try: if not os.path.isfile(zipf): print('Downloading bathymetric data...') with requests.get(url, stream=True) as payload: assert payload.status_code == 200, 'error fetching file' with open(zipf, 'wb') as f: with tqdm(total=2278422530, desc=zipf, unit='B', unit_scale=True) as t: for chunk in payload.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): _ = t.update(f.write(chunk)) with py7zr.SevenZipFile(zipf, mode='r') as zip_ref: members = list( fpath for fpath in set(zip_ref.getnames()) - set( sorted(os.listdir(self.data_dir))) if '.tif' in fpath) print('Extracting bathymetric data...') zip_ref.extract(targets=members, path=self.data_dir) except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as err: os.remove(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "raster-bathy.7z")) raise err return
def _load_raster(self, key): self.rasterfiles[key]['raster'] = RasterFile(imgpath=os.path.join(self.data_dir, key)) def _check_in_bounds(self, track): for lon, lat in zip(track['lon'], track['lat']): if not (-180 <= lon <= 180) or not (-90 <= lat <= 90): # pragma: no cover warnings.warn('coordinates out of range!') lon = shiftcoord([lon])[0] lat = shiftcoord([lat], rng=90)[0] if os.environ.get('DEBUG'): tracer = False for key, bounds in self.rasterfiles.items(): if bounds['w'] <= lon <= bounds['e'] and bounds['s'] <= lat <= bounds['n']: tracer = True if 'raster' not in bounds.keys(): self._load_raster(key) yield key break if os.environ.get('DEBUG') and not tracer: print(f'{lon = } {lat = }') assert tracer return def _close_all(self): for filepath, bounds in self.rasterfiles.items(): if 'raster' in bounds.keys(): bounds['raster'].img.close()
[docs] def merge_tracks(self, tracks): """ append `depth_metres` column to track dictionaries """ for track in tracks: # mapping of filepaths to the corresponding boundary region raster_keys = np.array(list(self._check_in_bounds(track)), dtype=object) # ensure that each vector time slice has a value if len(raster_keys) != len(track['time']): raise ValueError('no raters found for track') bathy_segments = np.append(np.append([0], np.where(raster_keys[:-1] != raster_keys[:1])[0]), [len(raster_keys)], ) track['depth_metres'] = reduce(np.append, [ self.rasterfiles[raster_keys[i]]['raster']._track_coordinate_values(track, rng=range(bathy_segments[i], bathy_segments[i + 1])) for i in range(len(bathy_segments) - 1)]) * -1 track['dynamic'] = set(track['dynamic']).union({'depth_metres'}) yield track