Compute wetted surface area using denny-mumford regression on vessel summer
deadweight tonnage
See table 2 in below paper for coefficient and exponent by ship type
Moser, Cameron S., et al. "Quantifying the total wetted surface area of the world fleet: a first step in determining the potential extent of ships’ biofouling." Biological Invasions 18.1 (2016): 265-277.
def _wsa(dwt, ship_type, ship_type_detailed='', **_):
''' regression of Denny-Mumford WSA formula using ship type '''
# None, wing in ground craft, other
if (isinstance(ship_type, int)
and ship_type < 30) or ship_type == 'Wing In Grnd':
return 0
# fishing
elif (isinstance(ship_type, int)
and ship_type == 30) or ship_type == 'Fishing':
coef = 15.58
exp = 0.602
# tugs and port tenders
elif (isinstance(ship_type, int)
and 52 <= ship_type <= 53) or ship_type == 'Tug':
coef = 19.36
exp = 0.553
# passenger
elif (isinstance(ship_type, int)
and 60 <= ship_type < 70) or ship_type == 'Passenger':
coef = 14.64
exp = 0.671
# container ships
elif 'Container' in ship_type_detailed:
coef = 5.39
exp = 0.698
# bulk carriers
# note: cement classified as bulk carrier
elif 'Bulk' in ship_type_detailed or 'Cement' in ship_type_detailed:
coef = 9.57
exp = 0.63
# NOTE: no distinction for container ships or bulk carriers when using
# numeric ship type
# general cargo ship regression is used for these categories
elif (isinstance(ship_type, int)
and 70 <= ship_type < 80) or (isinstance(ship_type, str)
and 'Cargo' in ship_type): # cargo
coef = 14.24
exp = 0.596
# tankers (LNG / LPG)
elif (isinstance(ship_type, int) and ship_type == 84) or (
(isinstance(ship_type, str) and
('Tanker' in ship_type and
('Oil' in ship_type_detailed or 'LNG' in ship_type_detailed
or 'LPG' in ship_type_detailed)))):
coef = 5.41
exp = 0.699
# tankers (general)
elif (isinstance(ship_type, int)
and 80 <= ship_type < 90) or (isinstance(ship_type, str)
and 'Tanker' in ship_type):
coef = 9.56
exp = 0.63
# SAR, law enforcement, towing, dredging, diving, military, sailing,
# pleasure craft, etc
coef = 26.2
exp = 0.551
return coef * pow(base=dwt, exp=exp)
def wetted_surface_area(tracks):
''' regression of Denny-Mumford WSA formula using ship type
tracks (:func:`aisdb.webdata.marinetraffic.vessel_info`)
track generator with vessel_info appended
track dicts with submerged surface area in square meters appended
to key 'submerged_hull_m^2'
for track in tracks:
dwt = track['marinetraffic_info']['summer_dwt'] or 0
if 'marinetraffic_info' in track.keys(
) and track['marinetraffic_info']['vesseltype_generic'] is not None:
hull = _wsa(dwt, track['marinetraffic_info']['vesseltype_generic'],
if 'ship_type' not in track.keys():
raise KeyError(
"'ship_type' not in track: try using "
"aisdb.database.sqlfcn.crawl_dynamic_static as 'fcn' arg "
"for DBQuery.gen_qry()")
hull = _wsa(dwt, track['ship_type'] or 0)
track['submerged_hull_m^2'] = hull
track['static'] = set(track['static']).union(
yield track